A painting process post

A painting process post

From what I know and was taught, the ideal process of painting starts with a drawing. Then the artist goes to create a sort of quick, maybe small scale painting. The next step is scaling to something full-sized.

So this post is kind of two-thirds of that process.

Landscape drawing – pencil on paper 100mm x 150mm-ish

Above is the initial sketch before painting. I just knocked it out, pencil on paper.

Landscape painting – oil on canvas, 200mm x 250mm

So this is first pass at the painting part of it. The work is the small scale sort.

So while it looks kind of o.k. from a quick sketch perspective, I had set up a few opportunities to try different things.

Landscape painting – oil on canvas, 200mm x 250mm

This is the second stab at the same subject. I’m thinking this is more aligned with where I’d like to be with the process, although detail was sacrificed a bit in the process. I’m sure that’s really do to the size of brushes used in relationship to the size of the painting.

It’s been a while since I’ve painted and since there’s this gap for me, this is as good a time as any to pull out the oil rig. So the tough part for me with oils is the drying time. My studio area hasn’t had a good way to accommodate the week-ish time before you can really be sure the paint is set enough to handle.

I think I now have a way to take care of this issue, so maybe transition back to oils. I do like the way oil paint feels/operates over acrylic despite how close acrylic can get to approximate oil performance and handling.